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Re works and Original Artworks :
Mixed Media Paintings over reworked prints and photography work.
This ongoing series from a store of proof prints are uniquely realised, as a variation on a paint or collaged theme.
Adding to a new layer of narrative to the images. Developing towards a portfolio of hand made works across my chosen media; art photo and print, is both an effort to minimise waste, and to move working ideas forward.


A repurpose pledge

In making new works for an ongoing series, the proof prints I make sometimes become surplus.

These discarded prints are always a source of re invention. I decided to intentionally re-purposed with newly realised narratives, as seen above.


What's more I've collecting paper offcuts from trimmed prints to make paper pulp for handmade recycled paper. Individual hand printed business cards come about from cut down plates and paper offcuts.

New concepts come from mono printing onto proof prints and mixed media works are combined in layers to become new designs on top of old. 


It's simple to recycle packaging card and paper for posting but I don't want to stop there, so going on to avidly save and reuse ink and paints left on my palette for making mono grey base layers helps cut down costs and in turn that varies the outcomes, that often allows for experimentation inside these constraints of material limitations. In collective efforts to waste less, I am happy to become more sustainable practice as I develop each series. 

Bev Hayes 2023







FRAGMENTED  SERIES 2021   (constructed works in progress)  ​

These fragmented series of deconstructed painted forms are taken from digital edits.

I am developing this collection in a 3D aspect for installation display next to my printed works and photography. It's the metamorphosis of an artwork into something new, a cross over between disparate media. I like to grow a body of work by changing gradually and  organically in subject matter. Similary this is like the constant renewable force of nature is in constant change. Titles are from my connection with Greece. 


Mindmaps of Amphora   I  Premonitions of Astepayea   I Mythos Meandering

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